Other places to find help
Justice Connect
Justice Connect is an independent, not-for-profit community legal centre that connects people to free legal help.
We do this in different ways, including by running specialist services that provide assistance in different areas of law.
Click here to apply for assistance with one of Justice Connect’s specialist services.
Click here to access Justice Connect’s self-help resources, information and fact sheets on different legal issues.
Legal Aid
Legal Aid provides free legal assistance with issues related to criminal, family and civil law, but have strict eligibility criteria.
Click here to find your local Legal Aid and to find out whether they can assist with your issue.
Community Legal Centres
Other independent, not-for-profit community legal centres (CLCs) provide free assistance with a range of legal issues. CLCs often offer advice at drop-in clinics and by appointment (face-to-face or over the phone).
CLCs have limited resources but are able to help with local issues, specific client groups and/or in specialised areas of law. Examples of specific client groups include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, refugees, women and youth. Examples of specialised areas of law include tenancy, migration, consumer law or employment law.
Click here to find your local CLC or a specialist CLC with expertise in your type of legal issue.
Government services
Consumer Law
If your issue relates to your rights as a consumer, you can contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to access information and to make a complaint.
Employment Law
If your issue relates to employment, you can contact:
- The Fair Work Ombudsman for information on awards, pay, leave and other entitlements
- The Australian Taxation Office for information on tax and superannuation
- SafeWork Australia for information on occupational health and safety
Human Services
For Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support matters, you can contact the Department of Human Services for information and assistance.
If your issue relates to immigration, citizenship, refugee and temporary visas, you can contact the Department of Home Affairs for information and assistance.
For other Federal government departments, search the Australian Government departments and agencies directory.
For state, territory or local government departments, search for your state, territory or local government.
Private Lawyer
If you are not eligible for free legal help, you may need to pay for assistance from a private lawyer with expertise in your type of legal issue. Some law firms offer assistance on a no-win-no-fee basis with certain types of legal issues (for example, personal injury and compensation claims).
You can ask your local law society for a referral to a private lawyer.
A full list of law societies and law institutes throughout Australia is available here.
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